Tamarac, Florida
St. Malachy Columbiettes Auxiliary No 13355 meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 in the Parish Hall at 6200 N. University Drive, Tamarac, FL 33321.


W H O   A R E   W E?

The Columbiettes hierchy are comprised of four levels. 

Auxiliary = Church

Chapter = Region of the State (We are the SE Chapter)

Region = The State

Supreme = The Governing Level - Located in NY

We are a catholic Womens Organization, Womens Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus.  We are visibly involved at St. Malachys serving in various Ministries.  Some of our past, present and future involvments are as follows::

  • Eucharistic Ministers
  • Lectors
  • Choir participation
  • CCD teachers
  • Assistance with the First Communion and Confirmation receptions
  • Rosary distribution to various Countries
  • Carnival involvement of Irish Coffee /Dessert booth, food booth, raffle, theme baskets, financial responsibilities
  • Fish Fry during Lent
  • Adoption of Families during Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • Kids in distress sponsor to a day at our carnival through Angel Club
  • Personal Donations of:  Toiletries to our disabled veterans at the Veterans Hospital and to the Covenant House, Blankets to the Homeless, Cell Phones to the City of Tamarac for their senior citizen program, programmed with 911 emergency number, Spiritual Baby Shower for Respect Life,
  • Monetary Donations to St. Vincent DePaul with our Super Bowl of Caring on Super Bowl Sunday,  St. Malachy Catholic Church, the American Cancer Society, Women in Distress, Lions Club
  • We play bingo at Heartland Rehab Center in Tamarac
  • We volunteer at:  Local hospitals, soup kitchen at San Isidore, polling sites during various elections, Schotts Handicapped and Blind, Nursing Homes, Habitat for Humanity,.
  • We let local merchants know:  Christmas is a "nativity" not a holiday tree
  • Our sisters serve as board of directors:  Mentally Handicapped, Ave Maria University
  • We join with our brother Knights of Columbus:  in corporate communion mass and breakfast Dinner dance events, pot luck dinners and the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
  • We collect:  pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, cancelled stamps for the Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Trinity and Eye glasses for the Lions Club.